Aircraft management under CAMO approval for active and inactive aircraft (during storage period)
Commercial assistance for owners and lessor/leasing businesses in the pre-purchase aircraft audits
Supervision services during scheduled aircraft maintenance and incidental events
Airworthiness Review, including the issuance of Airworthiness Review Certificate
Assessment and assistance in the selection of new and used aircraft (before purchase)
Aircraft completion, import and export of various types of aircraft both in Poland and abroad
Airworthiness recommendations for respective National Aviation Authority
Assistance in aircraft registration, as requested by an owner/lessor/airline (at every stage)
Aviation trainings (Quality Systems, Safety System, Fuel Tank Safety, EWIS, Human Factor)
Professional consultancy /
reliable evaluation of aircraft and engine maintenance contracts
Aircraft acceptance and delivery / redelivery (logistics, documentation, formalities, control)
Security (combination of human and material resources in order to safeguard aviation)